1. Stock surged
解释: 股票大幅上涨;指股票价格在短期内显著上涨。
用法: 描述股票价格迅速上涨的情况。
例句: “Boyd Gaming stock has been surging as of late.”
2. Upgrade
解释: 升级;指分析师或评级机构提高对股票的评级或目标价。
用法: 投资者通常关注评级升级,以决定是否买入某股票。
例句: “The casino and gaming stock received a buy rating from Jefferies, upgraded from hold.”
3. Price target
解释: 目标价;分析师对股票未来价格的预测值。
用法: 用于评估股票的投资潜力。
例句: “Jefferies boosted the price target from $73 to $92 per share.”
4. Capital investment pipeline
解释: 资本投资计划;公司预期或正在进行的资本支出项目。
用法: 投资者通常关注公司未来的投资计划,以评估其增长潜力。
例句: “The catalysts include its capital investment pipeline at its regional properties.”
5. Easing comps
解释: 比较基数逐渐放松;在高基数的背景下,增长率可能放缓,但在未来的比较中较为宽松。
用法: 主要用于描述上一年度的竞争情况,这可能影响当前年的增长。
例句: “An improved outlook in Vegas, coming off a highly competitive 2024 that should see easing comps in 2025.”
6. Equity interest
解释: 股权利益;指公司持有的另一公司股份所带来的权益。
用法: 用于描述公司在另一公司的投资和回报。
例句: “We also continue to benefit from FanDuel’s success through a 5% equity interest.”
7. EBITDAR (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization, and Rent)
解释: 租前利润;即公司在不计利息、税收、折旧、摊销和租金之前的盈利。
用法: 作为评估公司运营表现的指标之一。
例句: “Beyond the revenue and EBITDAR growth we are seeing from our market access agreements with FanDuel.”
8. Repurchase (stock buyback)
解释: 股票回购;公司用现金购买自己发行的股票。
用法: 通常公司回购股票是为了提高股价或投资者信心。
例句: “Boyd Gaming announced in December that it will repurchase an additional $500 million in company stock.”
9. Financials
解释: 财务状况;指公司的财务报告和表现。
用法: 投资者常关注公司的财务状况,以了解其盈利能力和稳定性。
例句: “It also signals the company’s improving financials.”
10. Median price target
解释: 中位数目标价;多个分析师给出的目标价的中间值。
用法: 作为评估股票未来价格的参考指标。
例句: “Boyd Gaming has a median price target among the 17 analysts that cover it of $75.50.”
11. Analysts
解释: 分析师;提供股票、公司或市场分析的专业人士。
用法: 分析师的评级或报告常常影响投资者决策。
例句: “Almost half the analysts consider Boyd stock a buy.”
12. Trailing price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio
解释: 滞后市盈率;基于过去12个月的每股收益计算的市盈率。
用法: 用于评估公司股票是否被高估或低估。
例句: “The stock is relatively cheap, with a trailing price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 13.”
13. Forward price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio
解释: 预期市盈率;基于未来12个月的预期每股收益计算的市盈率。
用法: 用来评估公司未来的盈利预期。
例句: “A forward P/E of 10.”
14. Solid growth expectations
解释: 稳定的增长预期;指投资者对公司未来表现持积极看法。
用法: 该词通常用来描述公司潜力。
例句: “With its reasonable valuation, improving financials, and solid growth expectations, Boyd stock looks like a decent option.”
15. Buy rating
解释: 买入评级;分析师推荐投资者买入某股票。
用法: 买入评级通常意味着分析师看好该股票的未来表现。
例句: “The casino and gaming stock received a buy rating from Jefferies.”
16. Competitive positioning
解释: 竞争定位;公司在市场中相对于竞争对手的位置。
用法: 投资者关注公司如何在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出。
例句: “We are actively investing in our properties to enhance the competitive positioning of our portfolio nationwide.”
17. Online gambling
解释: 在线赌博;指通过互联网进行的博彩活动。
用法: 在线赌博是近年来增长较快的市场之一。
例句: “Online gambling revenue for Boyd grew 56% in the quarter to $141.3 million.”
18. Growth pipeline
解释: 增长管道;公司未来预期的增长项目或机会。
用法: 通常用于描述公司未来发展的潜力。
例句: “We strengthened our growth pipeline, securing an opportunity to develop a best-in-market casino resort in Norfolk, Virginia.”
19. Market access agreements
解释: 市场准入协议;公司与其他公司或地区达成的合作协议,允许其进入特定市场。
用法: 这些协议常用于扩展业务范围。
例句: “We continue to benefit from FanDuel’s success through market access agreements.”
20. Earnings growth
解释: 盈利增长;指公司盈利的增加或提升。
用法: 作为衡量公司业绩的重要指标。
例句: “Jefferies estimates earnings growth at 9%, year over year.”