1. Inflation
解释: 通货膨胀。
用法: 指货币供应量增加导致物价普遍上涨的现象。
例句: “Inflation has fallen considerably from its peak two and a half years ago.”
2. Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE)
解释: 个人消费支出指数;衡量通货膨胀的经济指标之一。
用法: 衡量个人消费支出的变化,广泛用于计算通货膨胀。
例句: “The inflation rate, as measured by PCE, ticked up to 2.4% in November.”
3. Basis points
解释: 基点;用于衡量利率变化的单位。
用法: 1基点等于1%的1/100。
例句: “The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has reduced rates by 100 basis points.”
4. Easing campaign
解释: 放松货币政策;降低利率或采取其他措施刺激经济增长的政策。
用法: 描述央行为促进经济活动而采取的宽松政策。
例句: “I envisioned moving more quickly in the early stages of our easing campaign.”
5. Pre-set course
解释: 预定路线;事先确定的计划或路径。
用法: 描述没有固定路线或计划的过程,可能根据情况变化。
例句: “Monetary policy is not on a preset course.”
6. Valuations
解释: 估值;资产、公司或市场的价值评估。
用法: 常用于描述股票、房地产等资产的市场价格。
例句: “Valuations are elevated in a number of asset classes, including equity and corporate debt markets.”
7. Financial-sector leverage
解释: 金融行业杠杆;指金融机构使用借款资金进行投资的程度。
用法: 高杠杆通常意味着更高的风险。
例句: “In terms of financial-sector leverage, high levels of capital and liquidity in the banking system are a key source of resilience.”
8. Capital and liquidity
解释: 资本和流动性;描述金融机构可用的资金和支付能力。
用法: 强大的资本和流动性有助于应对市场波动。
例句: “High levels of capital and liquidity in the banking system are a key source of resilience.”
9. Brokered deposits
解释: 经纪存款;由银行通过经纪商获得的存款。
用法: 相较于核心存款,通常更易受到市场波动的影响。
例句: “Smaller banks have replaced some of their uninsured deposit funding with brokered and reciprocal deposits.”
10. Reciprocal deposits
解释: 互惠存款;银行之间互相存款的行为。
用法: 一种存款类型,通常用于稳定资金来源。
例句: “Brokered and reciprocal deposits are less prone to runs but are still less stable than core bank deposits.”
11. Nonbank financial intermediaries (NBFIs)
解释: 非银行金融中介;提供金融服务但不是银行的机构。
用法: 包括对冲基金、私人股本公司等,通常进行高风险投资。
例句: “Some nonbank financial intermediaries (NBFIs), including some large hedge funds, have high leverage.”
12. Leverage
解释: 杠杆;借款资金用于投资的方式。
用法: 高杠杆增加了潜在的风险。
例句: “Some NBFIs have high leverage, which exposes them to liquidity stress.”
13. Liquidity stress
解释: 流动性压力;指金融市场中资金短缺的情况。
用法: 当资产无法迅速变现或市场资金紧张时,流动性压力增加。
例句: “Nonbank financial intermediaries could be exposed to liquidity stress brought on by market volatility.”
14. Commercial paper
解释: 商业票据;企业为融资短期资金而发行的无担保债务工具。
用法: 商业票据是企业融资的一种常见形式,通常具有较短的到期日。
例句: “Stablecoins are vulnerable to runs, especially if their assets were linked to commercial paper.”
15. Certificates of deposit (CDs)
解释: 存单;银行发行的定期存款凭证。
用法: 通常是一种低风险的投资方式,提供固定的利息回报。
例句: “If stablecoins were backed by certificates of deposit, they could face disruptions in times of a run.”
16. Redemption restrictions
解释: 赎回限制;指对资产赎回的条件或时间进行限制。
用法: 赎回限制可以减少资金流出风险。
例句: “Some stablecoins have restrictions on redemptions, which can reduce vulnerabilities.”
17. Private credit
解释: 私人信贷;由非银行机构提供的信贷。
用法: 私人信贷市场可能没有银行监管,因此具有更高的风险。
例句: “Other areas to monitor include private credit, cyber events, and generative AI in banking.”
18. Cyber events
解释: 网络事件;指网络攻击或系统故障等对信息技术造成的重大影响。
用法: 网络安全对金融系统的稳定至关重要。
例句: “Cyber events are another area to monitor in 2025.”
19. Generative AI
解释: 生成型人工智能;通过学习数据生成新的内容或解决方案的人工智能。
用法: 生成型AI正在金融领域应用于自动化分析和决策。
例句: “Generative AI in banking and finance is an area to watch.”
20. Financial stability
解释: 金融稳定;指金融系统能够承受冲击、继续有效运行的能力。
用法: 金融稳定是维持经济健康的关键因素之一。
例句: “Financial stability is sound and resilient, according to Fed Governor Lisa Cook.